Daily report #6

Hallo guys welcome back to my blog today we make cake the first made butter cream for layering and made mirror glaze.

Mirror glaze
White coklat compond

Method:Mix all ingedient except White coklat compond cooking until boil after that put in White coklat compond mix until late after that color accoding to taste then watered on the cake that has been covered with cream.
world netizens for the perfection of the mirror cake she made.

Olganoskovaa, he posted many beautiful cakes that spoil his followers.
Noskova has given a new level to this dessert appearance.
According to Thomas Vaccaro, one of the deans of the Baking and Pastry Arts of
the Culinary Institute of America, the technique has been used by French pastry
chefs since 30-40 years ago. However, the mirror glaze technique is indeed an
anti-mainstream technique.
To master the mirror glaze technique, Noscova requires a lot of practice and experience. The main key to this technique is being able to mix exactly the gelatin, sugar and water and cook it until it reaches the right temperature. Noskova admitted, she was willing to spend a lot of time studying confectionary arts
and experience. The main key to this technique is being able to mix exactly the
gelatin, sugar and water and cook it until it reaches the right temperature.
Noskova admitted, she was willing to spend a lot of time studying confectionary


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